Hello World!
Welcome to my first official post here on the web for UhhHehHeh.com! Allow me to introduce myself and this blog.
Who am I
I’m Abe A.K.A. UhhHehHeh, formerly known as GamingWithAbe… and Professionally Known as YourWebDevGuy and Founder of Pixel Pilgrim Studios.
A brief history lesson
It all started back in 2018 when my nephew suggested that I stream minecraft on YouTube. I was always a fan of Minecraft, but I hadn’t really done any live-streaming before. Curious about the experience I agreed. I streamed regularly and after a year I began to grow slowly but surely. I began to get a small following. First 3, then 5 then 20 and so on. It motivated me to do it more often and more seriously.
I began streaming as “Gaming with Abe” and everything was great, for a while. Until I began to see if I could monetize the channel so that I could upgrade my streaming setup. I only made about $3 from the channel over a year, so I began also streaming on Twitch.

One small problem…
The problem was I am a huge fan of Strategy games like Diablo, Sid Meier’s Civilization series, City Skylines, Anno 1800, Crusader Kings, etc. I’m also a huge fan of fighting games like Brawlhalla, and I enjoy stealthier First-Person shooters like Escape From Tarkov.
Unfortunately, the audience I had gained on YouTube that eventually followed me to Twitch only wanted Minecraft games. If I wasn’t streaming Minecraft, they weren’t joining the stream.
Now, I am a gamer at heart. I have over 1500 games on various platforms, and I’m very active on Steam and Discord but being forced into a box where all I could play was one game really irritated me.
Out of frustration I simply removed all my followers and deleted my channels which had grown to 100 on YouTube and 600 on Twitch.
Re-inventing myself as UhhHehHeh on Twitch
I did enjoy streaming and by now I had a nice setup with tons of El Gato equipment (not sponsored btw) including a Stream Deck, El Gato Wave3 Microphone, El Gato Camera, El Gato Key Light, El Gato Green Screen. After all of this invested monies I figured I should keep putting it to use.
I started a new channel on Twitch with a new username: “UhhHehheh”. The name was derived from one of my favorite shows as a young lad: Beavis and Butthead.

The end of a semi-successful Twitch Channel
Now when I say semi-successful, I mean in the context of hitting affiliate within a month and eventually gaining a small but predictable revenue stream of approximately $299 a month. I have lots of friends and family who also tried to stream on twitch who spent at least a year with regular streams who never hit affiliate, and they put in as much work as I did.
For UhhHehHeh on Twitch I peaked at about 499 followers and averaged 30 viewers per stream which alone is quite an achievement.
However, I ended up killing my channel by making one small mistake.
I somehow gained an audience in Mexico and my chat began to be flooded with spanish speakers. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with that, and I speak both English and Spanish fluently. But as soon as Spanish messages began to hit my chat, my english speakers would tend to leave often with messages such as “Have a great stream Abe! I don’t understand spanish. I’m going to go watch something else.”
It was very disheartening to see my original subscribers who had been with me from the start begin to fall off.
Although the Spanish followers were quite faithful and showed up often times more regularly than my English audience, it was the English audience that donated bits and subs. The Spanish-speaking audience would co-host my streams and join my tournaments and I had a lot of fun with them. I was torn.
I tried scheduling some streams in English on certain days and then Spanish the others, but it didn’t work.
Little by little my channel just died with both groups dissatisfied. When I began to start streaming to an audience of 2-3 viewers (one of which I was certain was Nightbot, and the other my girlfriend) I took a break.
By “took a break” I mean, I stopped streaming completely by 2023.
UhhHehHeh revival
I had the domain name which I had purchased for selling merch, game tournament announcements, and scoreboards.
I used the same username for my itch.io profile which I had intended to use while making a few games.
I recently participated in my first game jam and I used my itch profile, so I figured why not repurpose this domain I already owned to hold my devlogs for my indie game studio? This way I can keep my pixel pilgrim studios website soley for my games and leave all the technical jargon for those interested in the details on a separate page?
Well, that’s what I did. And that is why this domain is now being used for this: My Game Devlog.
How frequently will I post? I have no idea. The game studio venture is a passion project I work on most, but not all, weekends. As I find something worth sharing, I’ll share it here.
If you’d like to hang out and chat, I’m always on Discord so feel free to join me on my discord server
— UhhHehHeh (Abe)